
Technology in Jobs

How has technology changed jobs?



barber cutting a mans hair

Some jobs have used the same technology for a long time. For example, hairdressers have been using scissors and hair clippers for many years.

piolets in cockpit

Other jobs are created when technology is invented. Jobs opened for pilots when airplanes were invented.

judge holding gavel

There are also jobs that do not require technology. For example, judges do not need to use technology to run a courtroom (although they can).


As new technology is developed, many jobs that needed humans are now done by machines and robots.

framed family photo

Ask your parents how they use technology in their jobs, or how technology has changed their jobs. Click the Activity button to access the Technology in Jobs, then complete this activity by circling the jobs that use technology.

When you are finished, save it to submit with the other activities at the end of the lesson. Then, click the arrow to learn about technology in recreation.