
Inches, Feet, and Yards Video

Let’s watch a video about inches, feet, and yards.




Goal: Can you measure objects using standard units of measurement?

Maksim and Anna are sledding down the hill! You can help them measure how far they slide using a ruler, yardstick, and measuring tape! Click the video below.

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Maksim and Anna just got a new sled! They are testing it out on this hill. Let’s help them measure how far they slide using a ruler, a yardstick, and a measuring tape.

1, 2, 3! Whoops. Maksim and Anna didn’t go very far, did they? What measuring tool should we use: a ruler, a yardstick, or a measuring tape?

Good idea!

We’ll measure with a ruler. A ruler is made up 12 inches, or 1 foot. Let’s count how many inches they slid. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Maksim and Anna slid 6 inches down the hill.

Maksim and Anna are ready to try sledding again. This time they are hoping to slide a lot farther down the hill. 1, 2, 3! Wow, that was much better! Should we use a ruler, yardstick, or measuring tape?

Very good!

A yardstick is longer than a ruler, but shorter than a measuring tape. In fact, a yardstick is made up of 3 rulers, or 3 feet. See? There are 36 inches in a yard. Let’s measure how far they slid.

Great job! Maksim and Anna slid 24 inches. We could also say they slid 2 feet.

Maksim and Anna really want to slide all the way down the hill. Here they go, 1, 2, 3! Wow, they made it! Should we measure how far they slid with a ruler, yardstick, or measuring tape?

Good thinking!

Measuring tapes are much longer than rulers and yardsticks. They come in a variety of lengths, such as 10 feet, 25 feet, and even 100 feet! This measuring tape is 100 feet long. Let’s try it out! Maksim and Anna slid 65 feet. That’s a new record!

Thanks for helping Maksim and Anna measure how far they slid down the hill on their new sled. You did a great job using a ruler, yardstick, and measuring tape!

How tall is this snowman?

Click image to enlarge

  1. 29 inches
  2. 4 inches

The red line is at 24 in. The snowman is 24 inches tall.

Yes! The red line is at 24 in. The snowman is 24 inches tall.

The red line is at 24 in. The snowman is 24 inches tall.


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