
Assess Yourself

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Are you ready to take this lesson's quiz? These questions will help you find out. Go back to the lesson if you don't know an answer.

How many inches tall is the snowman?

Click image to enlarge

  1. 2 inches
  2. 7 inches

The snowman is 5 inches tall. The bottom of the snowman lines up with 0 in. on the ruler, and the top of the snowman lines up with 5 in. on the ruler.

Yes! The bottom of the snowman lines up with 0 in. on the ruler, and the top of the snowman lines up with 5 in. on the ruler.

The snowman is 5 inches tall. The bottom of the snowman lines up with 0 in. on the ruler, and the top of the snowman lines up with 5 in. on the ruler.

Which object is 5 feet long?

  1. glove above a measuring tape
  2. tree above a measuring tape

Correct! The sled is 5 feet long because it ends at 5 ft on the measuring tape.

The sled is 5 feet long because it ends at 5 ft on the measuring tape.

The sled is 5 feet long because it ends at 5 ft on the measuring tape.

How tall is the tree?

Click image to enlarge

  1. 2 yards
  2. 4 yards

The tree is 5 yards tall. The bottom lines up with 0 yd on the measuring tape, and the top lines up with 5 yd on the measuring tape.

You are right! The tree is 5 yards tall.

The tree is 5 yards tall. The bottom lines up with 0 yd on the measuring tape, and the top lines up with 5 yd on the measuring tape.

How many inches tall is the skate?

Click image to enlarge

  1. 4 inches
  2. 10 inches

The skate is 12 inches tall. The bottom of the skate lines up with 0 in. on the ruler, and the top of the skate lines up with 12 in. on the ruler.

The skate is 12 inches tall. The bottom of the skate lines up with 0 in. on the ruler, and the top of the skate lines up with 12 in. on the ruler.

Yes! The bottom of the skate lines up with 0 in. on the ruler, and the top of the skate lines up with 12 in. on the ruler.

Which object is 2 feet long?

  1. sled above yardstick
  2. snowflake above yardstick

The scarf is 2 feet long because it ends at 2 ft on the yardstick.

The scarf is 2 feet long because it ends at 2 ft on the yardstick.

Correct! The scarf is 2 feet long because it ends at 2 ft on the yardstick.

How tall is the snowman?

Click image to enlarge

  1. 9 inches
  2. 11 inches

You are right! The snowman is 3 inches tall.

The snowman is 3 inches tall. The bottom lines up with 0 in. on the ruler, and the top lines up with 3 in. on the ruler.

The snowman is 3 inches tall. The bottom lines up with 0 in. on the ruler, and the top lines up with 3 in. on the ruler.

How many yards tall is the snowman?

Click image to enlarge

  1. 9 yards
  2. 5 yards

The snowman is 2 yards tall. The bottom lines up with 0 yd on the measuring tape, and the top lines up with 2 yd on the measuring tape.

Yes! The snowman is 2 yards tall.

The snowman is 2 yards tall. The bottom lines up with 0 yd on the measuring tape, and the top lines up with 2 yd on the measuring tape.

Which object is 4 inches long?

  1. glove above ruler
  2. skate above ruler

The mug is 4 inches long because it ends at 4 in. on the ruler.

The mug is 4 inches long because it ends at 4 in. on the ruler.

Correct! The mug is 4 inches long because it ends at 4 in. on the ruler.

How long is the sled?

Click image to enlarge

  1. 1 yard
  2. 2 yards

You are right! The sled is 4 yards long.

The sled is 4 yards long. One end of the sled is at 0 yd on the measuring tape, and the other end is at 4 yd on the measuring tape.

The sled is 4 yards long. One end of the sled is at 0 yd on the measuring tape, and the other end is at 4 yd on the measuring tape.

How many inches tall is the snowflake?

Click image to enlarge

  1. 8 inches
  2. 3 inches

Yes! The snowflake is 1 inch tall.

The snowflake is 1 inch tall. The bottom lines up with 0 in. on the ruler, and the top lines up with 1 in. on the ruler.

The snowflake is 1 inch tall. The bottom lines up with 0 in. on the ruler, and the top lines up with 1 in. on the ruler.


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