
Who is Ichabod Crane, and what does he want most?

After reading the first half of the story, you should have a good idea what drives Ichabod Crane and the other characters in this story. To confirm your knowledge, read each description below and connect it to the character it best describes.

well-off and happy

Ichabod Crane

Farmer Van Tassel

Brom Van Brunt

Farmer Van Tassel is both prosperous and good humored.
Farmer Van Tassel is both prosperous and good humored.
well-educated and shrewd

Ichabod Crane

Katrina Van Tassel

Brom Van Brunt

Ichabod Crane is more educated than his neighbors and possesses a calculating mind.
Ichabod Crane is more educated than his neighbors and possesses a calculating mind.
rowdy and arrogant

Ichabod Crane

Farmer Van Tassel

Brom Van Brunt

Brom Van Brunt is fun-loving but proud of his physical strength and always ready for a fight.
Brom Van Brunt is fun-loving but proud of his physical strength and always ready for a fight.
charming but unreliable

Ichabod Crane

Katrina Van Tassel

Brom Van Brunt

Katrina is a charming flirt who often changes her mind without warning.
Katrina is a charming flirt who often changes her mind without warning.
easily frightened

Ichabod Crane

Katrina Van Tassel

Brom Van Brunt

Ichabod Crane is as frightened by ghostly tales as he is fascinated by them.
Ichabod Crane is as frightened by ghostly tales as he is fascinated by them.
flexible but stubborn

Ichabod Crane

Farmer Van Tassel

Brom Van Brunt

Although Ichabod makes himself pleasant and agreeable, he also is stubborn and determined.
Although Ichabod makes himself pleasant and agreeable, he also is stubborn and determined.
