
What really happened to poor Ichabod?

Given their personalities, where do you think the rivalry between Ichabod and Brom over Katrina will lead? Brom is ready to fight, but Ichabod doesn't seem likely to accept a physical challenge. Perhaps Brom will find another way to get rid of his rival? Finish reading "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" to see how the story ends.

portrayal of a scene from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Why doesn't Brom challenge Ichabod to a fight outright?

  1. Brom is afraid that the clever Ichabod will beat him in a fight.
  2. Brom doesn't have the heart to defeat Ichabod in front of his love Katrina.
  3. Ichabod passively avoids Brom instead of rising to his indirect challenges.
  4. Ichabod has promised Brom that he will stop paying attention to Katrina.

Ichabod clearly has no intention of agreeing to fight Brom outright. Instead, Ichabod lies low and, at the same time, continues to court Katrina.

Ichabod clearly has no intention of agreeing to fight Brom outright. Instead, Ichabod lies low and, at the same time, continues to court Katrina.

Ichabod clearly has no intention of agreeing to fight Brom outright. Instead, Ichabod lies low and, at the same time, continues to court Katrina.

Ichabod clearly has no intention of agreeing to fight Brom outright. Instead, Ichabod lies low and, at the same time, continues to court Katrina.

What is Ichabod's mood as he rides to the Van Tassels' party?

  1. frightened and doubtful
  2. happy and hopeful
  3. cynical and hopeless
  4. depressed and tired

Ichabod happily imagines Katrina as his future bride, serving him tasty food.

Ichabod happily imagines Katrina as his future bride, serving him tasty food.

Ichabod happily imagines Katrina as his future bride, serving him tasty food.

Ichabod happily imagines Katrina as his future bride, serving him tasty food.

What kind of story does Brom tell at the gathering?

  1. a story in which Ichabod gets attacked by a ghost
  2. a story in which he gets the better of the Headless Horseman
  3. a love story about him and Katrina
  4. a story in which old Brouwer gets thrown into a brook by the Headless Horseman

In Brom's story, he outraces the Headless Horseman.

In Brom's story, he outraces the Headless Horseman.

In Brom's story, he outraces the Headless Horseman.

In Brom's story, he outraces the Headless Horseman.

What is Ichabod's mood when he leaves the gathering at the Van Tassels' house?

  1. curious and frightened
  2. cheerful and hopeful
  3. disappointed and sad
  4. angry and vengeful

Ichabod is heavy-hearted after Katrina's rejection of him.

Ichabod is heavy-hearted after Katrina's rejection of him.

Ichabod is heavy-hearted after Katrina's rejection of him.

Ichabod is heavy-hearted after Katrina's rejection of him.

What most likely really happened to Ichabod on his ride home?

  1. He pretended to get attacked so that Katrina would feel sorry for him.
  2. He was chased by a mysterious figure but managed to outrace it.
  3. He was punished by the Headless Horseman for his arrogance.
  4. He was chased by Brom dressed up as the Headless Horseman.

The most likely truth is that Brom played an elaborate prank to scare off Ichabod.

The most likely truth is that Brom played an elaborate prank to scare off Ichabod.

The most likely truth is that Brom played an elaborate prank to scare off Ichabod.

The most likely truth is that Brom played an elaborate prank to scare off Ichabod.


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