
What literary movement did Washington Irving bring home from Europe?

The writings of Benjamin Franklin show us the rationalist side of early American literature: The ever-practical Franklin focused on logic, reason, morality, and progress. Washington Irving, on the other hand, brought Romance to America—with a capital R. Literary Romanticism is a movement that began in Europe, where Irving was living and traveling while he wrote The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., the collection that contains "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." Use the slides below to review the key features of American Romanticism.

a girl making a heart shape with her hands in front of the sun

Feeling First

The Romantics valued emotions far more than logic. They placed their faith in intuition and personal experience rather than reason.

young man in thought

The World Within

The Romantics celebrated inner truths more than outer ones: For them, the fruits of imagination were more worthwhile than economic prosperity or mechanical invention.

sun shining over a field of grass

Noble Nature

The Romantics presented a rosy, dreamy view of the natural world: Wild landscapes and unspoiled countryside were sources of both beauty and wisdom. Accordingly, simple rural folk appearing as characters in Romantic literature were more noble and spiritually in tune than their worldly city counterparts.

young girl wearing a straw hat, holding a bunch of flowers in a field

Youthful Innocence

Just as country folk are more enlightened than city folk, to the Romantic, the natural wisdom of youth is better than the sophistication of age and education.

full moon obscured by dark clouds and the silhouette of bare tree branches

The Wonders of the Supernatural

Romantic works of literature often focus on the supernatural realm, drawing heavily from myths and folklore.


Based on these Romantic characteristics, what kind of story do you expect "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" will be?

It might be a ghost story set in the country, and/or it might focus on an actual romance.