

audio buttonHow can I write a summary?




writing walrusaudio buttonIt's time to start writing our summaries. Earlier today, you read our space text for the first time. You also filled out a graphic organizer and wrote down the main idea and details as you read. I hope you still have that paper, because you will need it again now.

Let's go through the steps of writing a summary together. First, decide if you would like to type or handwrite your rough draft. You can build your own rough draft as you go through the tabs below.

Main Idea



audio buttonYou should have already picked out the main idea of the text as you were reading. The main idea will be the first sentence, or the topic sentence, of your summary.

Do you remember the summary we read yesterday about Benjamin Franklin? Let's take a look at the main idea that started the summary.

ben franklinaudio buttonMain Idea/Topic Sentence: Benjamin Franklin invented many things that made life easier in the late 1700s.

audio buttonNow it's your turn! Write your main idea as your topic sentence on your paper.

audio buttonNow it's time to add the details that you found as you were reading. These will build the body of your summary. What did you find to support the main idea as you were reading?

Let's take a look a the Benjamin Franklin example again.

ben franklinaudio buttonHe invented the lightning rod that saved many homes from fires. He also invented the Franklin stove. The stove could heat a room better than a fireplace and saved people a lot of fuel. He also invented a special kind of glasses, called bifocals. This new kind of glasses helped people to read better.

audio buttonIt's your turn! Write the body of your summary. Use the details you listed on your graphic organizer today. Remember, this is your rough draft. It doesn't have to be perfect yet.

audio buttonYou only have one sentence left! Let's wrap up your summary by writing a conclusion. Your conclusion should look a lot like your main idea or topic sentence. You are reminding the reader what your paragraph was about.

Let's take a look at the conclusion for Benjamin Franklin.

ben franklinaudio buttonBenjamin Franklin helped many people with his inventions.

audio buttonThe conclusion sentence reminded us that we were reading about Benjamin Franklin's inventions and how helpful they were. How can you end your summary? Write your conclusion now.

audio buttonWhen you have finished your rough draft, please keep it in a safe place. We will revise and edit it tomorrow.