

audio buttonHow can I improve my fluency while reading?




fluency flamingoaudio buttonLet's practice our fluency this week.

You will be reading a passage from our space text today. Before you try to read it aloud, read through it one more time silently. Think about your pace as you read. Your pace is the speed in which you read. A fluent reader speaks two or three words per second.

audio buttonWhen you are ready, record yourself reading the passage on your own using the audio recording software of your choice.

audio recording image

spacecraftBeginning in the 1970s, people started using space stations to learn more about space. A space station is like a small home up in space. It orbits Earth with people inside. The people do experiments. They practice walking in space. Astronauts stay in a space station for a certain amount of time, such as a month.