

audio buttonWhat is the main idea of the text and what details support it?




reading rhinoaudio buttonIt's time to read our space text for this week. We have been learning about main idea and details. Today, you will be picking out the main idea and details as you read. First, let's review what we have already learned.

The main idea is what a text is mostly about.

The details tell more about the main idea.

Click on the Print button below to print a graphic organizer you can use to write down the main idea and details as you read today. When you are finished with it, keep it in a safe place because you will need it to help you with your writing later.

audio buttonLet's read! You can read the story yourself or you can follow along with the audio. Your vocabulary words will be highlighted in yellow.

You will see that the text is split up into different sections. Those sections are marked by headings in bold. You will choose one section to focus on for your assignment today.

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PDF DownloadClick the icon to download a PDF version of the story.


Did You Know?

audio button The main idea can also be called the central idea. Their meanings are alike because they tell the reader the most important idea of the story.