Sound energy is energy caused by vibrating objects, such as a vibrating guitar string. The object vibrating causes the air to vibrate. The vibrating air makes waves, which creates sound.. This sound wave moves through the air to your middle ear where bones vibrate because of the sound wave. Your brain interprets the vibrating motion of the bones in your inner ear as sound.
Sound waves can carry a lot of energy. If your home is near an airport runway, you might have felt the house vibrate and heard objects rattle in your house as the airplanes take off.
Nuclear energy is the energy that is stored in the nucleus (nucleus is another word for center or core) of an atom. The sun and other stars produce energy from nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is used to produce electrical energy in nuclear power plants. Nuclear energy is a concentrated form of energy. When the nucleus of an atom splits apart, a lot on energy is released.
Sound waves can carry a lot of energy. If your home is near an airport runway, you might have felt the house vibrate and heard objects rattle in your house as the airplanes take off.
Nuclear energy is the energy that is stored in the nucleus (nucleus is another word for center or core) of an atom. The sun and other stars produce energy from nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is used to produce electrical energy in nuclear power plants. Nuclear energy is a concentrated form of energy. When the nucleus of an atom splits apart, a lot on energy is released.