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Are you ready to take this lesson's quiz? These questions will help you find out. Go back to the lesson if you do not know an answer.
Which shape is a polygon?
Try again! This is a 3-dimensional shape.
Try again! This is an open shape.
This is not a polygon. It does not have straight sides.
Correct! This is a polygon. It is closed, is 2-dimensional, and has 4 straight sides.
Why is this shape not a polygon?

- It has curved lines and fewer than three angles.
- It has straight sides and fewer than three angles.
- It is an open shape.
- It is a closed shape.
Yes, this shape has curves and only one angle. It is not a polygon.
No, this shape does not have any straight sides.
Try again! This heart is a closed shape.
Closed shapes are polygons if they have at least three straight sides.
How many sides does a triangle have?
- Zero
- Two
- Three
- Four
Try again! A triangle definitely has sides.
Try again! Would a two-sided shape be a closed shape? No, it would be open.
Yes! A triangle has three sides and three angles.
Try again. Four-sided shapes are quadrilaterals.
How many angles does a hexagon have?
- Ten
- Eight
- Six
- Four
No. A hexagon has six sides. In a polygon, the number of sides equals the number of angles.
Try again! An octagon has eight sides. In a polygon, the number of sides equals the number of angles.
Yes! A hexagon has six sides. In a polygon, the number of sides equals the number of angles.
No. A quadrilateral has four sides. In a polygon, the number of sides equals the number of angles.
Which shape is a quadrilateral?
Try again. This is not a polygon, so it cannot be a quadrilateral.
No. This shape has more than four sides.
Yes! This shape has four sides and four angles.
Incorrect. This shape has more than four sides.
Count the sides and angles of the shape.

- Heptagon
- Nonagon
- Pentagon
- Hexagon
That is right! A heptagon has seven sides and seven angles.
No. Count the sides and angles. This shape has seven angles.
Try again! Count the sides and angles. This shape has seven angles.
No. Count the sides and angles. This shape has seven angles.
Count the sides and angles in this shape.

- Pentagon
- Hexagon
- Quandrilateral
- Nonagon
No! Count the sides and angles. This shape has nine sides.
Sorry! Count the sides and angles. This shape has nine sides.
Try again! Count the sides and angles. This shape has nine sides
That is correct! A nonagon has nine sides and nine angles.
What polygon has five sides and five angles?
- Triangle
- Pentagon
- Hexagon
- Decagon
Try again! A triangle has three sides and three angles.
Good thinking! A pentagon has five sides and five angles.
Not quite! A hexagon has six sides and six angles.
Try again. A decagon has ten sides and ten angles.
Ava cut out a piece of construction paper that has ten sides and ten angles. What polygon did she cut out?
- Heptagon
- Nonagon
- Quadrilateral
- Decagon
No. A heptagon has seven sides and seven angles.
Try again! A nonagon has nine sides and nine angles.
Try again! A quadrilateral has four sides and four angles.
You got it! A decagon has ten sides and ten angles.
Ava drew a closed, 2-dimensional shape with 8 straight lines. What polygon did she draw?
- Octagon
- Heptagon
- Quadrilateral
- Hexagon
That is correct! An octagon has eight sides.
Not quite. A heptagon is a closed shape that has seven sides.
Try again. A quadrilateral is a closed shape that has four sides.
Try again. A hexagon is a closed shape that has six sides.
Questions answered correctly:
Questions answered incorrectly: