

Let’s compare measurements!




Goal: Can you compare inches, feet, and yards to similar-sized objects?

Let’s estimate some measurements! You will need 20 paper clips, 2 adult-size shoes, and blocks.

Line up 10 of your paper clips in a long line, like this:

10 paper clips

Place a line of blocks next to the paper clips.

10 paper clips and 10 blocks

About how many inches long is your line of blocks?

10 paper clips and 10 blocks

Nice job! This line of blocks is about 10 inches long.

10 blocks next to a ruler

Now, put the adult-size shoes in a line, like this:

two adult-size shoes

Place a line of blocks next to the shoes.

two adult-size shoes with 24 blocks

Will we estimate the measurement of these blocks in inches or feet?

About how many feet long is your line of blocks?

two adult-size shoes with 24 blocks

Great work! This line of blocks is about 2 feet long.

Click image to enlarge

Mismatch Game

Is there a door near you right now? About how tall is the door?


Doors are usually about 2 yards tall. That is the same size as 2 guitars.

Doors are usually about 2 yards tall.

Doors are usually about 2 yards tall. That is the same size as 2 guitars.

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Estimate Using Inches, Feet, and Yards