

You previously used rubbed texture patterns to build light or dark tones in a value scale and in your still life drawing. In this lesson you will be experimenting with drawing texture patterns rather than rubbing them. Review your rubbed textures and the textures below. Notice how each texture forms a different “repeated pattern”— of circles, squares, diamonds, other small shapes, or strokes. Texture adds a dimension to objects. It can make objects look or feel smooth, rough, hard, or soft.

Go outdoors and look at the differences in the surfaces of various objects. See how many different texture patterns you can find. How many different surface patterns of repeated shapes can you see in building forms: brick walls, roof tiles, siding boards, stone walls, fences? How many different surface patterns can you see in nature forms: tree bark, grass, gravel, weeds, small-leaf foliage, large-leaf foliage, pine needles, clouds, rocks?

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Example 4 Example 5 Example 6

Using lines only (no shading or solid tones) draw at least ten of the different texture patterns you can observe outdoors, studying each one carefully as you work. Draw with black pen on white paper. Do not draw the object, but fill a square area 3” x 3” with an evenly repeated texture pattern. (Use 2 sheets of paper, putting 5 or 6 patterns on each page). Review your rubbed texture patterns from your previous work. Notice that a texture pattern is an even repetition of a characteristic line or shape.

After you have drawn the 10 texture patterns, compare them with the steps of your value scale.

Once you've completed several texture sketches, scan ten of your sketches and submit them to your teacher.

Review the rubric below to see how you will be graded on your assignment for this lesson.

    5 points
    3 points
    1 point
    Sketches You provided ten separate and complete sketches. You provided at least seven separate and complete sketches. You provided at least five separate and complete sketch.
    Variety The textures in your sketches are different and interesting. They show a variety of values. The textures in your sketches are only slightly different and show some similiar values. Textures are different and interesting. It appears little attention was given to picking the textures of your sketches.
    Creativity Several of the sketches show a unique technique or style. The sketches reflects an exceptional degree of creativity. One or two of the sketches show an interesting technique or style. The sketches reflects creativity. The sketches show basic techniques. The sketches do not show creativity.
    Use of Line Styles Your textures use a variety of interesting line styles that shows exceptional effort in completing your project. Your textures use a variety of line styles that shows an effort in completing your project. Your textures use similar line styles that shows minimal effort in completing your project.