
What images do your words of poetry bring to mind?

Full Moon behind clouds.

As you have learned, poetry is often rich with imagery—language that evokes the senses readers use to perceive the world. Figurative language, too, can bring images to mind. "The moon shimmered through the clouds like a silver coin flashing in the hand of a thief," for example. What images have you captured in the poems you wrote during this module?

Turn it in!

Choose and edit a poem you wrote in your journal. Then create a "mixed media" work of visual art based on the poem. Include images, patterns, or textures that support the meaning of your poem as well as a few selected lines from the poem itself. The elements you choose should reflect your poem's tone, too. When you're satisfied with your final product, photograph or scan your artwork and turn in.

Your work on this assignment will be graded using the rubric below. Use the rubric to make sure your artwork meets all of the requirements of the assignment.

Points Criteria
5 The visual elements you selected for your artwork illustrate examples of imagery, allusions, or figurative language in your poem.
5 The visual elements in your artwork reflect the poem's tone.
5 The selected lines of poetry you included in your artwork suggest the poem's meaning and main idea.
5 Visual elements and text are combined in a way that deepens the viewers' understanding of the poem's meaning.