
Can you answer questions using a map?

The grid lines on maps and globes are lines of latitude and longitude. Lines of latitude, also called parallels, are horizontal. Lines of longitude, also called meridians, are vertical. The exact location of any place on Earth can be given in coordinates—the point at which parallels and meridians cross each other. This map shows the route that clipper ships took from Eastern cities to California. Until the Panama Canal opened in 1914, the long journey around the tip of South America was the fastest way for passengers and goods to reach the new settlements on the West Coast.

Latitude and Longitude Map

Answer the following questions about the map. Click each question to reveal its answer.

Question Answer
What are the approximate coordinates of San Francisco?
What are the approximate coordinates of Rio de Janeiro?
About how many degrees north of the equator is the Panama Canal?
About how many degrees south of the equator is Cape Horn?
In a region near the equator, light breezes alternate with sudden thunderstorms. These unusual weather conditions make sailing very difficult. What is this region called?