
What was Germany's role in the Paris Peace Conference?

The political situation in Germany had become very unstable by 1918. The German Navy refused to continue fighting, which quickly led to the formation of a new government and the removal of the German Kaiser from power. Some elements in the German government claimed that the Allies were able to claim victory because of the internal disorder in Germany rather than a defeat of the German military. In this sense, Germany did not regard itself as a defeated power as the French and British had hoped it would.

In any case, Germany was not allowed to send delegates to the Paris Peace Conference, though they did send several observers. The Allied delegates were intent upon blaming the war on Germany; not surprisingly, the German military elite reacted by simply refusing to accept any of the conditions that were imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. Many in the German government predicted that such intense pressure applied by the Allies would eventually result in renewed public support for the expansion of Germany, a calculation that proved correct twenty years later with the onset of World War II.

German attitudes about the outcome of World War I were mixed, nonetheless, even among the nation's leaders. These slides illustrate the range of opposing viewpoints put forward by the German leadership--some in agreement with Wilson’s proposals and some vehemently opposed to all aspects of the Versailles Treaty.

Friedrich Ebert

President Ebert

“Defeat and food shortage have handed us over to the enemy Powers. But not only we, but also our enemies, have been terribly exhausted by the war, and the feeling of exhaustion among our enemies springs from their effort to indemnify themselves at the cost of the German people, and the idea of exploitation is brought into the work of peace. These plans of revenge and oppression called for the sharpest protest.”


Count von Hertling

Count von Hertling

“As is well known, it was England which invented the principle of the maintenance of the balance of power in order especially to apply it when one of the States on the European Continent threatened to become too powerful for her. It was only another expression for England's domination.”


Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau

Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau

“We were aghast when we read in documents the demands made upon us, the victorious violence of our enemies. The more deeply we penetrate into the spirit of this treaty, the more convinced we become of the impossibility of carrying it out. The exactions of this treaty are more than the German people can bear.”


General Erich Ludendorff

General Erich Ludendorff

“The power of the state failed, as nobody can doubt, because in its external and internal policy, before and during the war, it had not recognized the exigencies of the struggle for existence in which Germany has always been involved. It had demonstrated its inability to understand that politics is war and war is politics.”


Paul von Hindenburg (1914) von Nicola Perscheid

Paul von Hindenburg

“In view of this state of affairs the peaceful return home of the Kaiser was no longer to be thought of and could only have been enforced at the head of loyal troops. In that case the complete collapse of Germany was inevitable, and civil war would have been added to the fighting with the enemy without, who would doubtless have pressed on with all his energy.”


Do you have a good sense of how Germany reacted to the end of World War I and to the Allied powers treated them? Use these questions to make sure.

The German war effort had stopped in many war zones due to which of the following?

  1. They were too afraid of American weapons.
  2. The German Kaiser had died.
  3. They had run out of money.
  4. Their soldiers and sailors wanted the war to end.

War weariness was the main reason German troops stopped fighting, but there also political reasons and basic reasons such as hunger.

War weariness was the main reason German troops stopped fighting, but there also political reasons and basic reasons such as hunger.

War weariness was the main reason German troops stopped fighting, but there also political reasons and basic reasons such as hunger.

War weariness was the main reason German troops stopped fighting, but there also political reasons and basic reasons such as hunger.

Which provisions of the peace negotiations did Germany find most unfair?

  1. that they could not attend the Peace Conference
  2. that Britain should have all of the German colonies
  3. that Germans take all the blame for starting the war
  4. that France and Britain assume control of its capitol Berlin

Germany did send observers to the Conference although they couldn't participate, while Britain in fact absorbed most of the colonial possessions of the Ottoman Empire. The question of taking over Berlin never got discussed even though Germany refused to accept blame for starting the war.

Germany did send observers to the Conference although they couldn't participate, while Britain in fact absorbed most of the colonial possessions of the Ottoman Empire. The question of taking over Berlin never got discussed even though Germany refused to accept blame for starting the war.

Germany did send observers to the Conference although they couldn't participate, while Britain in fact absorbed most of the colonial possessions of the Ottoman Empire. The question of taking over Berlin never got discussed even though Germany refused to accept blame for starting the war.

Germany did send observers to the Conference although they couldn't participate, while Britain in fact absorbed most of the colonial possessions of the Ottoman Empire. The question of taking over Berlin never got discussed even though Germany refused to accept blame for starting the war.

The German General Erich Ludendorff stated: "...politics is war and war is politics." What did he mean?

  1. It was necessary to take over the government by force.
  2. The troops needed the right to vote.
  3. It cost a lot of money to be elected.
  4. Political and military affairs were deeply connected.

There was no way for Germany's military to avoid the conflict that started when Russia mobilized troops to defend Serbia. Political alliances with Austria-Hungary led directly to the war.

There was no way for Germany's military to avoid the conflict that started when Russia mobilized troops to defend Serbia. Political alliances with Austria-Hungary led directly to the war.

There was no way for Germany's military to avoid the conflict that started when Russia mobilized troops to defend Serbia. Political alliances with Austria-Hungary led directly to the war.

There was no way for Germany's military to avoid the conflict that started when Russia mobilized troops to defend Serbia. Political alliances with Austria-Hungary led directly to the war.


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