
What was (is) Mexican immigration like—then (and now)?

How has life for a Mexican immigrant changed in the past 100 years? Have American attitudes toward Mexican immigration changed? What has remained the same? In this assignment, you'll compare the experiences of Mexican immigrants—and legislative and cultural stances toward Mexican immigration—in the early 20th century with those same elements as they occur in the early 21st century. You'll need to do some research first, and since all the elements of your presentation will be based on images, the Internet may be the best place to start. (Don't hesitate to include any pictures you have of your own experiences, or those of family members and friends—IF you get their permission first.)

collage of image depicting Mexican immigration experiences between the 20th and 21st century

Construct a photo essay consisting of five photos representing experiences of and attitudes toward Mexican immigration during the early twentieth century and five photos representing experiences of and attitudes toward Mexican immigration during the early twenty-first century. For each photo, write a detailed caption explaining what the photo represents. At the end of your photo essay, write a paragraph analyzing what your photos indicate about the reality of Mexican immigration—then and now.

You can submit your work as a word processing file, a slide show, a video or a web page. Make sure that you find a way to submit the presentation that works for your teacher. You may need to compress some files to allow them to be uploaded, or you may need to create your photo essay as a web page and send the link to your teacher.

Your work on this project will be grade according to the following rubric.

  Points Criteria
Photo Selection
4 points
4 You have selected photographs that clearly and compellingly represent aspects of life for Mexican immigrants—then and now.
4 points
4 Your captions help viewers understand what each photograph depicts as well as what it suggests about life for Mexican immigrants.
4 points
4 Your paragraph analyzing changes in the experiences of Mexican immigrants articulates some insightful parallels and differences and explains these points clearly and convincingly.