
Get creative in explaining the twin paradox.

Black and white vector illustration of twin paradox

The twin trip shows a paradox in the thought experiment of the "traveling clock" idea... since if the clock were to come back to you at the same speed, it would appear that time would speed up, so the total elapsed time would be the same as on Earth. Real experiments do not show this to be true, though. So, how do we explain away this paradox?

For this assignment, come up with a creative way to both explain the twin paradox and to explain why there is still a discrepancy in the time elapsed on Earth as compared to the moving ship. You can do this through a story, a video, a poem, a song, a comic strip, or any other creative way. If you are uncertain your idea is acceptable, reach out to your teacher for advice. When you do your research, make sure to keep a list of your sources and include a bibliography.

Your assignment will be graded using the following rubric.

Requirements 10 points The product described the twin paradox accurately as well as explained the discrepancy in elapsed time correctly.
5 points Student included a bibliography of sources formatted correctly in APA or MLA format.
Creativity 10 points Student's product is creative and imaginative in its presentation.