
What other resources can you find in a library?

Most libraries today have an electronic catalog that allows you to look up the resources you need. Of course, libraries contain many items besides books, and the books themselves fall into a wide range of categories. Click through these slides to expand your understanding of what resources a library might hold.

Nonfiction Books

Nonfiction Books

Nonfiction books are informational texts and are organized by category using the Dewey Decimal System. Most likely, you will not read a nonfiction book cover to cover, but instead use the table of contents and index to locate particular information you need.

Reference Books

Reference Books

Reference books are usually found in a special reference section--and include encyclopedia sets, specialized dictionaries, atlases, and public documents.



Libraries often own a movie collection. Documentaries and short educational or public service videos can be particularly useful for your research.



Many libraries subscribe to online databases and services that most of us would not have access to. Databases can contain statistical information and may also offer access to hard-to-find studies. 

Fiction Books

Fiction Books

Even a work of fiction can sometimes be helpful as you research. Historical fiction may give you insights about a particular period or event you're researching. Realistic fiction about a social issue may also provide examples for research.



Periodicals are newspapers, magazines, and journals. Libraries often display the latest issues and archive older issues. Ask a librarian how to locate specific issues you need.