
How well do you understand domestic policy?

The questions below address this lesson's objectives and therefore provide a chance for you to determine if you're ready to tackle the formal assessments for this lesson, starting with the lesson quiz. If you do not understand why each question's correct answer is correct, review that section of the lesson before proceeding to the lesson quiz.

Which kind of domestic policy deals with the provision of goods and services to people and organizations?

  1. distributive
  2. redistributive
  3. regulatory
  4. military

Distributive policy provides goods and services—such as social security payments—to individuals and organizations.

Distributive policy provides goods and services—such as social security payments—to individuals and organizations.

Distributive policy provides goods and services—such as social security payments—to individuals and organizations.

Distributive policy provides goods and services—such as social security payments—to individuals and organizations.

Which of the branches of the federal government reviews domestic policy legislation?

  1. executive
  2. judicial
  3. legislative
  4. military

While it doesn't directly formulate domestic policy, the judicial branch exerts an indirect but very strong influence over the shaping of domestic policy through the reviewing of executive orders and legislation for constitutionality.

While it doesn't directly formulate domestic policy, the judicial branch exerts an indirect but very strong influence over the shaping of domestic policy through the reviewing of executive orders and legislation for constitutionality.

While it doesn't directly formulate domestic policy, the judicial branch exerts an indirect but very strong influence over the shaping of domestic policy through the reviewing of executive orders and legislation for constitutionality.

While it doesn't directly formulate domestic policy, the judicial branch exerts an indirect but very strong influence over the shaping of domestic policy through the reviewing of executive orders and legislation for constitutionality.

Which of the following terms best describes the United States economy?

  1. command
  2. mixed
  3. traditional
  4. free market

Like most economies, the United States employs policies that are a mixture of free-market and command approaches.

Like most economies, the United States employs policies that are a mixture of free-market and command approaches.

Like most economies, the United States employs policies that are a mixture of free-market and command approaches.

Like most economies, the United States employs policies that are a mixture of free-market and command approaches.

Which of the following accounts for the single biggest expense in the U.S. budget?

  1. the military
  2. scientific research
  3. transportation
  4. social security

While the fact might be surprising, spending on social security payments accounts for about 25% of the entire federal budget.

While the fact might be surprising, spending on social security payments accounts for about 25% of the entire federal budget.

While the fact might be surprising, spending on social security payments accounts for about 25% of the entire federal budget.

While the fact might be surprising, spending on social security payments accounts for about 25% of the entire federal budget.

Which approach to fiscal policy typically involves cutting tax rates and/or increasing spending to stimulate the economy?

  1. recessionary
  2. inflationary
  3. expansionary
  4. contractionary

Expansionary fiscal policy has been used by the federal government to try to stimulate the economy during recessions, such as the one that began in 2008-2009 with the collapse of the subprime housing market.

Expansionary fiscal policy has been used by the federal government to try to stimulate the economy during recessions, such as the one that began in 2008-2009 with the collapse of the subprime housing market.

Expansionary fiscal policy has been used by the federal government to try to stimulate the economy during recessions, such as the one that began in 2008-2009 with the collapse of the subprime housing market.

Expansionary fiscal policy has been used by the federal government to try to stimulate the economy during recessions, such as the one that began in 2008-2009 with the collapse of the subprime housing market.

Which aspect of economic policy involves reducing the amount of money released into the economy to attempt to curb inflation?

  1. fiscal policy
  2. monetary policy
  3. inflationary policy
  4. negative policy

Contractionary monetary policy reduces the amount of currency printed and released into the economy. Unfortunately, this policy can have the unintended side effect of increasing unemployment.

Contractionary monetary policy reduces the amount of currency printed and released into the economy. Unfortunately, this policy can have the unintended side effect of increasing unemployment.

Contractionary monetary policy reduces the amount of currency printed and released into the economy. Unfortunately, this policy can have the unintended side effect of increasing unemployment.

Contractionary monetary policy reduces the amount of currency printed and released into the economy. Unfortunately, this policy can have the unintended side effect of increasing unemployment.


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