
How does each branch of the U.S. government shape domestic policy?

The three branches of government—executive, legislative, and judicial—all help to shape domestic policy, each in a slightly different way. Study the information on the tabs below to learn about the role of each branch of government in formulating domestic policy.

The Legislative Branch

The Executive Branch

The Judicial Branch

United States Capitol BuildingThe legislative branch—consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate--passes laws to enact policy. This branch also helps create federal agencies through enabling acts or statutes. Agencies that are created by acts of Congress—such as the National Labor Relations Board and the Securities and Exchange Commission—help set domestic policy. Typically, the agencies hire experts who study all sides of the issues related to the agency's mission and then recommend policies or policy changes. The legislative branch also confirms the heads of executive branch departments, cabinet secretaries who play a significant role in shaping the policy agenda of the executive branch.

 A closeup view of the South facade of the White HouseThe executive branch, headed by the president, affects domestic policy most directly by issuing executive orders. In addition, the president appoints the secretaries of cabinet-level departments, such as State, Homeland Security, Education, Transportation, and Health and Human Services. These departments and other federal agencies develop rules and regulations and manage the distribution of benefits and services. Just as importantly, their procedures and priorities determine the pace at which a policy is enacted, as well as what form it takes. And these factors can have a dramatic effect on the lives of individual Americans.

Supreme Court buildingThe judicial branch does not directly formulate domestic policy, but that doesn’t mean it plays no role in shaping policy. Indeed, the Supreme Courts and the federal courts affect policy indirectly, but profoundly. For example, the Supreme Court in 2015 essentially legalized same-sex marriage in the United States by ruling that an Ohio law banning gay marriage violated the Fourteenth Amendment. In 1954, in Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court decided that state laws allowing segregation by race in public schools were unconstitutional. While the Supreme Court did not propose a specific policy to desegregate public schools, it did through its decision require that such policy be created.

The ________ branch exerts an indirect influence on domestic policy through review of federal and state laws and executive orders.




The judicial branch, through its review of federal and state laws, as well as executive orders, indirectly but profoundly shapes domestic policy.
The judicial branch, through its review of federal and state laws, as well as executive orders, indirectly but profoundly shapes domestic policy.
The _______ branch shapes domestic policy through executive orders and through supervision of agencies such as the Treasury Department.




The executive branch shapes domestic policy through executive orders. The president also has final responsibility for federal agencies, such as the Treasury Department, which shape public policy through regulations and programs.
The executive branch shapes domestic policy through executive orders. The president also has final responsibility for federal agencies, such as the Treasury Department, which shape public policy through regulations and programs.
The _______ branch shapes domestic policy through passing laws.




The legislative branch, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives, shapes domestic policy through passing laws.
The legislative branch, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives, shapes domestic policy through passing laws.
