
In what other ways might the federal government influence the economy?

one hundred dollar bills being producedMonetary policy is the process through which the federal government controls the amount of currency that is allowed to flow into the economy. Like fiscal policy, monetary policy can be intended to expand or contract the economy. While it is theoretically possible for monetary policy and fiscal policy to be employed together, in the United States they are usually employed separately.

Generally, expansionary monetary policy is used when the federal government wants to reduce unemployment during a recession. To accomplish this goal, more money is printed by the Treasury Department and released into the economy, and interest rates are lowered. With money or credit easier to access, companies are motivated to take on more projects, such as construction, and hire more workers to complete those projects. When they work, expansionary monetary policies increase the general demand for goods and services, which in turn leads to economic growth.

The federal government may use contractionary monetary policy to slow the rate of growth in the money supply or even take steps to reduce it. When less money is available in the economy, prices cannot rise as quickly, and inflation diminishes. Unfortunately, contractionary monetary policy can cause an increase in unemployment. Since money is less available or available only at higher interest rates, spending and borrowing are reduced. Businesses engage in fewer new projects and thus hire fewer workers, and consumers have less money to make purchases.

How well do you understand the principles behind monetary policy? Try answering each of the questions below in your own words. When you get to the end of the activity, compare your answers to the ones provided.

How does monetary policy work to combat unemployment in a recession?

How is contractionary monetary policy used to fight inflation?

What is one of the drawbacks of contractionary monetary policy?

Your Responses Sample Answers

Expansionary monetary policy essentially makes money cheaper and easier to obtain by injecting more of it into the economy. As a result, employers can more easily borrow money, take on more projects, and hire more employees. In other words, they can expand.
Your Responses Sample Answers

Monetary policy can be used to fight inflation because it decreases the amount of money available in the economy. With less money available, prices cannot rise quickly because people and institutions can’t afford to pay higher prices. Thus, inflation cannot rise quickly.
Your Responses Sample Answers

Because contractionary monetary policy reduces the amount of money available, producers can’t charge more for their products. Thus, profits won’t go up as quickly as they normally would have, and producers thus have less incentive to hire more workers. Therefore, unemployment can unintentionally be caused by contractionary monetary policy.