
What role do gender roles and gender stereotypes play in an individual's sense of identity and self-worth?

A gender role is the patterns of behavior, attitudes, and personality attributes that a particular culture considers feminine or masculine. In the United States, women traditionally have been responsible for raising children and managing households. Likewise, "nurturing" professions, such as nursing and teaching, were considered women’s work

Woman carpenter Male Nurse

Nowadays in many cultures, roles and professions are much less rigidly masculine or feminine than they were in the past. Men care for their children, cook, and do housework. Women pursue careers as police officers, soldiers, and firefighters. Even some clothing and hairstyles are worn by both genders.

Gender roles exist in every culture, vary from society to society, and evolve over time. Gender stereotypes, the association of certain perceptions with an entire gender, are different from gender roles. Gender stereotypes ignore or discount the knowledge and abilities of individual men and women or boys and girls. Instead, they're used to define a person on the basis of (often mistaken or outdated) generalizations about that person's gender.

What do gender stereotypes look like? Recognize any of these?

Woman using cleaning and cooking supplies; Man using laptop

Boys don’t cry.

Girls are bad at math.

It's just a guy/girl thing; you wouldn't understand.

Women are too emotional to hold certain jobs.

Men don't talk about their feelings.

People who believe that gender stereotypes represent reality may criticize women politicians and corporate leaders for speaking bluntly about issues, while praising men in these roles for doing the same thing. Because of gender stereotypes, men who are soft-spoken and polite may be mocked for being weak or unmanly. These kinds of reactions by a person's friends, family, or community may cause a person to feel ashamed or to feel as though they must put on an act to fit in.

While gender stereotypes provide easy material for certain types of comedians, the destructive power of such stereotypes is no laughing matter. Limiting a person's opportunities based on a stereotype about that person's gender is similar to denying a person opportunities based on their race. It's not fair, and, when it comes to education and employment, it's not legal. Question


What effects do gender stereotypes have on children?

Sometimes children are prohibited from pursuing interests that conflict with gender stereotypes. Additionally, they may be taught that their feelings should not be expressed, causing them to keep everything inside and "act tough." However, as they grow up, this could cause a person emotional distress, as well as issues with romantic partners.