
Can you say the alphabet in Spanish?

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Your assessment for this lesson is to use the audio recording software of your choice to record yourself saying the alphabet in Spanish.

audio recording image

Tips for Success

Review and practice the Spanish alphabet before recording. Speak slowly and clearly. Listen to your audio file before submitting it to your teacher.

This Speaking Rubric will be used by your teacher to score your speaking assignment. Use this rubric to help you meet the assignments criteria. Please review your audio file before submitting.

Exceeds Standards
5 points
Meets Standards
4 points
Approaching Standards
3 points
Below Standards
0-2 points
Comprehensibility – Pronunciation and Word Order
Minor pronunciation errors; word order enhances comprehension Acceptable errors in pronunciation; correct word order Pronunciation errors suggest several meanings; word order interference with native language Pronunciation errors interfere with comprehension; word order detracts from meaning
Presentation - Articulation
Natural flow of conversation; can be heard clearly. Loud enough to hear Long pauses in conversation or speaks at the wrong times; memorization rather than conversation; speaks softly Needs help; mumbles