
How many times did you listen to the English alphabet before you were able to say it?

Learning a new language takes time and practice. As a baby, you first listened to your parents and others speak English before you began to babble and then speak. Because you already have language knowledge and are learning a second language, the learning process will be faster as a teen. However, it requires effort. Dedicate yourself to daily practice and you will succeed.

This video reviews the Spanish alphabet, as well as introducing words that begin with each letter.

PDF Downloadah avión beh bicicleta seh casa cheh chocolate deh dados eh elefante EH-feh foca heh gato AH-cheh helado ee iguana HOH-tah jirafa kah koala EH-leh león EH-yeh llave EH-meh mono EH-neh naranja EHN-yeh ñandú oh oso peh pera koo queso EH-reh ratón EHR-Reh perro EH-seh sol teh tortuga oo uvas beh venado DOH-bleh beh wagon EH-kees xilófono ee-gree-EH-gah yogur SEH-tah zapatos

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Let's Practice!

You may have noticed a few additional letter combinations in the alphabet video. These have been considered letters throughout the years. Some individuals may still consider them letters, but not everyone does. Click on each letter combination to hear its special sound. Then repeat each one.


What is it called when two letters are considered together?

Two letters together, like ch, ll, and rr, are called digraphs.