Fraction Parts
Use your circles to represent different fractions.
Using your circles with the folds, color in parts of each circle to make various fractions. After you color your circles, click the arrows below to see the different circles.
Take one of your half circles and color it to represent the fraction one half.
Take one of your quarter circles and color it to represent the fraction one fourth.
Take one of your quarter circles and color it to represent two fourths.
Take one of your quarter circles and color it to represent three fourths.
Take one of your quarter circles and color it to represent four fourths.
Take one of your eighth circles and color it to represent one eighth.
Take one of your eighth circles and color it to represent two eighths.
Take one of your eighth circles and color it to represent three eighths.
Take one of your eighth circles and color it to represent four eighths.
Take one of your eighth circles and color it to represent five eighths.
Take one of your eighth circles and color it to represent six eighths.
Take one of your eighth circles and color it to represent seven eighths.
Take one of your eighth circles and color it to represent eight eighths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent one sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent two sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent three sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent four sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent five sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent six sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent seven sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent eight sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent nine sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent ten sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent eleven sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent twelve sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent thirteen sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent fourteen sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent fifteen sixteenths.
Take one of your sixteenth circles and color it to represent sixteen sixteenths.