Module 1-Social Studies 5A - Course Guide

Module Overview:

In this module students will learn about the early settlements of North America including the Northwest Indians, the Woodland Indians of early North America, the Southwest Indians of early North America and the Plain Indians. Students will learn about the Vikings and the beginning of European lead exploration. Students will learn about the new inventions that help early explorers navigate around the world. Students will learn about explorers including Christopher Columbus and his explorations. Students will learn about the challenges and struggles of the explorers in the New World. Students will learn about the challenges and struggles of the explorers in the New World and what affect they had on the Iroquois. Students will learn about the Iroquois people and how they viewed the world around them.

Module Materials:

Lesson # Lesson Title Material(s)
1 Early Peoples in the Pacific Northwest *Social Studies 5A Workbook, ISBN 978-1-63916-103-4 (optional);
2 The Woodland Peoples None
3 Native Americans of the Southwest pen or pencil;
4 Native Americans of the Plains pen or pencil;
5 New Inhabitants and The Age of Exploration pen or pencil;
6 Opening the World pen or pencil;
7 Prince Henry pen or pencil;
8 Later Explorations pen or pencil;
9 Colonizing the New World pen or pencil;
10 The Iroquois Confederacy pen or pencil;
11 Iroquois Life pen or pencil;

Module Objectives:

Lesson # Lesson Title Objective(s)
1 Early Peoples in the Pacific Northwest
  1. Identify the groups of early settlers of the North American continent.
  2. Locate on a map the Bering Strait and understand that it was how many settlers arrived in North America.
  3. Understand the history and culture of the Northwest Indians.
2 The Woodland Peoples
  1. Understand the culture and life of the Woodland Indians.
3 Native Americans of the Southwest
  1. Understand the life and culture of the Southwest Indians.
4 Native Americans of the Plains
  1. Describe how geography influenced the life of Plains Indians.
  2. Understand the Plains Indians, including their traditions and beliefs.
5 New Inhabitants and The Age of Exploration
  1. Describe the history of the Vikings and their explorations and settlements.
  2. Invstigate the Age of Exploration and the beginning of European-led exploration.
6 Opening the World
  1. List and describe the inventions that helped early explorers navigate around the world.
7 Prince Henry
  1. Explain who some of the explorers were during the Age of Exploration, and describe their accomplishments.
8 Later Explorations
  1. Explain the significance of the first voyage of Christopher Columbus to the Americas.
  2. Describe the impact Christopher Columbus had on the native peoples he encountered.
  3. Describe the explorers who were active during the Age of Exploration and explain their activities.
9 Colonizing the New World
  1. Explain the explorers' role in colonizing the New World.
10 The Iroquois Confederacy
  1. Describe the tribes that make up the Iroquois Confederacy.
  2. Explain the purpose of the Iroquois Confederacy.
  3. Describe the challenges the colonists faced in the New World.
11 Iroquois Life
  1. Describe the European colonization of the New World.

Module Key Words:

Key Words
Bering Strait
totem pole
basket makers
wampum belts
cliff dwellings
basket making
buffalo hide
medicine bundles
Age of Exploration
Leif Eriksson
Marco Polo
North Star
celestial navigation
Christopher Columbus
trade route
King Ferdinand
Queen Isabella
Hernando Cortés
Hernando de Soto
Francisco de Coronado
Jacques Cartier
Samuel de Champlain
Dutch colonies
fur trading posts

Module Assignments:

Lesson # Lesson Title Page # Assignment Title

Learning Coach Notes:

Lesson # Lesson Title Notes
1 Early Peoples in the Pacific Northwest
2 The Woodland Peoples Have your student do some more research on the Woodland Native Americans and find out where they lived in the United States. Have them write about what they learned in their Social Studies notebook.
3 Native Americans of the Southwest
4 Native Americans of the Plains
5 New Inhabitants and The Age of Exploration
6 Opening the World
7 Prince Henry
8 Later Explorations
9 Colonizing the New World
10 The Iroquois Confederacy
11 Iroquois Life

Module Guiding Questions:

When a student starts a lesson ask them questions to check for prior knowledge and understanding and to review concepts being taught. At the end of the lesson ask the questions again to see if their answer changes.

Lesson Title Question
Early Peoples in the Pacific Northwest
  1. Where did the ancient people of North America migrate from?
  2. What were very early horses like?
  3. What are the main geographical groups of Native Americans?
  4. What was the purpose of the totem pole?
  5. What were the houses like of the Pacific Northwest Indians?
  6. What was life like for the Pacific Northwest Indians?
The Woodland Peoples
  1. What was life like for the Woodland Native Americans?
Native Americans of the Southwest
  1. What were the Southwest Native Americans called?
  2. What does Pueblo mean?
  3. What were the Pueblo proficient in?
  4. How did the Pueblo get food?
  5. What role did religion play among Pueblo tribes?
Native Americans of the Plains
  1. What was life like for the Native Americans of the Plains?
  2. What were the traditions and beliefs of the Native Americans of the Plains?
  3. How did Geography influence the Native Americans of the Plains?
New Inhabitants and The Age of Exploration
  1. Who were the Vikings?
Opening the World
  1. How did exploration change the ways Europeans viewed the world?
  2. What is a compass used for?
  3. What are the cardinal directions?
  4. What were other instruments used to help with navigation?
Prince Henry
  1. Who was Prince Henry, what was his goal?
  2. Who was Christopher Columbus, what were his accomplishments?
Later Explorations
  1. What part of the Americas did Christopher Columbus discover?
  2. How did he treat the Native American’s that he encountered?
  3. What were the Spanish Explorers called, why?
Colonizing the New World
  1. What countries started to colonize the Americas?
  2. What parts of America did Spain colonize?
  3. What parts of America did France colonize?
  4. Who ended up gaining control of the French territories?
  5. Who was England continuously at war with?
  6. Why?
The Iroquois Confederacy
  1. What challenges did the colonists face in the New World?
  2. What was life like for colonial families?
  3. Why was the fur trade important?
  4. What was the Iroquois Confederacy?
Iroquois Life
  1. What was a longhouse?
  2. Who was considered the middlemen of the fur trade and why?

Module Video Questions:

When a student watches a video take time to ask them questions about what they watched. Suggested questions for the videos in this module are listed here. Suggestion: Have the student watch the entire video first all the way through. Then have them watch the video a second time, as they watch it pause the video and ask the questions.

Lesson Title Video Question
Early Peoples in the Pacific Northwest Early History Along the Pacific Coast
  1. Where were the Northwest Indian Tribes located?
  2. What were their ceremonies like?
  3. What were their houses like?
  4. What were totem poles?
The Woodland Peoples Woodland Indians
  1. Why were deer important to the Woodland Native Americans?
  2. What did Woodland Native Americans use to hunt deer?
  3. What else did they use the deer for besides food?
Native Americans of the Plains Native Americans of the Plains
  1. Discuss the film with your student, and then in their Social Studies Notebook, have your student summarize what they learned after watching the video on the Native Americans of the Plains.
New Inhabitants and The Age of Exploration The Viking Explorers
  1. Where did the Vikings originally come from?
  2. What was another name for Vikings?
  3. How did the Vikings treat other people?
  4. What did Viking villages look like?
  5. What did the women do in Viking villages?
  6. What were the homes like the Vikings built?
  7. What are some places Vikings settled?
Opening the World The Compass and Compass Rose
  1. What is a compass?
  2. What does a compass do?
  3. How does a compass work?
  4. What is true north?
  5. What is a compass rose?
Prince Henry Prince Henry
  1. When did the great age of exploration begin?
  2. How many centuries did it last?
  3. How were most of the world explored?
  4. Who was Prince Henry, and what did he hope to accomplish?
  5. What was Portugal’s School of Navigation?
  6. How were Caravels different from ships before them?
  7. What navigation instruments did the Portuguese use?
  8. What is latitude?
  9. What is longitude?
  10. What are some things the Portuguese explorers discovered when navigating the coast of Africa?
Later Explorations The Explorers: Francisco Coronado and Hernando De Soto
  1. Have your student create a 2- column chart in their Social Studies notebook.
  2. In one column, have them write Francisco Coronado’s name, and in the other column, have them write Hernando De Soto’s name as they watch the video.
  3. Have them fill out the discoveries of each explorer.
Colonizing the New World Struggle for the Colonial Frontier 1600-1750
  1. What areas of the Americas had Spain conquered?
  2. What civilizations did the Spanish destroy?
  3. What regions of the United States did the Spanish colonize?
  4. Who discovered New Mexico?
  5. What did they create in New Mexico?
  6. What was the purpose of missions?
  7. Why was St.
  8. Augustine, Florida important?
  9. What happened to the Native American population in New Spain?
  10. What role did slavery play in New Spain?
  11. What dictated privilege in New Spain society?
  12. What areas of America did the French Explorers conquer?
  13. What was the major industry the French created in the areas they conquered?
  14. What was the purpose of the French missionaries?
  15. What relationship did the Jesuits have with Native Americans in New France?
  16. What did La Salle establish along the Mississippi River?
  17. What was Louisiana named after?
  18. What was La Salle’s greatest accomplishment?
  19. What happened to La Salle?
  20. Why did the French and Spanish colonies grow slower than the English colonies?
The Iroquois Confederacy The Early Colonists: Home Sweet Home
  1. What were colonial homes like?
  2. What resources were used to build a colonial home?
  3. What was the inside of a colonial home like?
  4. What was a Dutch oven?
  5. What kind of food did they eat?
  6. Where did the food come from?
  7. What did colonists use gourds for?
  8. Why did colonists avoid drinking the local water?
  9. What kinds of animals did colonists raise?
  10. What was the most important crop to colonists?
  11. What crop did colonists make a living from?

Module Suggested Read Aloud Books:

Take time to read to your student or have them read aloud to you. Read a different book each day. While reading the book point out concepts being taught. You may purchase these books or find them at your local library. Suggested things to discuss while reading the book:

  • What is the main idea?
  • What are three things new you learned?
  • How does this book relate to what you are learning about?

# Book Author Lexile Level
1 If You Lived with The Indians Of The Northwest Coast Anne Kamma 870L
2 Eastern Woodlands Indians Mir Tamim Ansary IG760L
3 The Pueblo Kevin Cunningham 870L
4 Plains Indians Andrew Santella 970L
5 The World Made New: Why the Age of Exploration Happened and How It Changed the World Marc Aronson IG1100L
6 Exploration and Conquest: The Americas After Columbus: 1500-1620 Betsy Maestro 1030L
7 Explorers of North America Christine Taylor-Butler 650L
8 The Iroquois: The Six Nations Confederacy Mary L. Englar
9 The Iroquois (True Books) Emily J Dolbear 850L

Module Outing:

Take some time to apply what your student is learning to the real world. Suggested outings are below.

# Outing
1 If possible, visit a Native American museum or history museum that has exhibits on Native Americans and explorers.