Module 29 Earth-Language Arts 2B - Course Guide

Module Overview:

In this module, students will learn about main ideas and details. They will also learn about the mis- prefix and their spelling words. Then, they will learn new vocabulary words and review past tense verbs. They will research and write an informative paragraph.

Module Materials:

Lesson # Lesson Title Material(s)
1 29.1 Earth None
2 29.2 Earth None
3 29.3 Earth None
4 29.4 Earth None
5 29.5 Earth crayons or colored pencils (optional);

Module Objectives:

Lesson # Lesson Title Objective(s)
1 29.1 Earth
  1. Identify the <i>mis-</i> prefix sound in words.
  2. Alphabetize our spelling words.
  3. Read our vocabulary words.
  4. Identify main ideas and details.
  5. Match base form of words with the past tense of regular action verbs.
2 29.2 Earth
  1. Identify words containing the <i>over</i> prefix.
  2. Unscramble spelling words.
  3. Read vocabulary words in context.
  4. Read our story <i>Planet Earth</i>.
  5. Sort words based on base form, regular past tense, and irregular past tense.
  6. Write a rough draft of an informative paragraph.
3 29.3 Earth
  1. Spell words for the week.
  2. Find smaller words in a larger word.
  3. Match the vocabulary words with their correct definition.
  4. Read and answer text-dependent questions on <i>Planet Earth.</i>
  5. Identify if verbs are base form, past tense, or past participle.
  6. Revise an informative paragraph.
4 29.4 Earth
  1. Listen to distinguish prefixes and spell words.
  2. Practice spelling words.
  3. Read new vocabulary words in context.
  4. Read and answer text-dependent questions about a compass.
  5. Complete sentences using correct verb tense of a word.
  6. Edit our informative paragraph.
5 29.5 Earth
  1. Spell words accurately.
  2. Write sentences with vocabulary words in context.
  3. Create sentences using a variety of verb tenses.
  4. Accurately answer grammar and vocabulary questions.
  5. Identify the main ideas and details in a paragraph.
  6. Publish an informative paragraph.
  7. Monitor and clarify fluency using a selection from our story <i>Planet Earth.</i>

Module Key Words:

Key Words Spelling Words Vocabulary Words
main ideas
mis- prefix
informative paragraph
over- prefix
base form
past tense regular verbs
irregular past tense verbs
rough draft
past tense
past participle
text-dependent questions
present-tense verbs
future-tense verbs
past-tense irregular verbs
main idea
supporting details
monitor fluency

Module Assignments:

Lesson # Lesson Title Page # Assignment Title
1 29.1 Earth 5 Reading: Main Idea and Details
1 29.1 Earth 7 Writing
2 29.2 Earth 5 Reading: Planet Earth
4 29.4 Earth 3 Spelling Words
5 29.5 Earth 2 Spelling Test
5 29.5 Earth 6 Writing

Learning Coach Notes:

Lesson # Lesson Title Notes
1 29.1 Earth During Independent Reading time, please have your student read silently to themselves. Ask them questions about what they read when they are finished.
2 29.2 Earth
  • In your student's Language Arts notebook, have them write for each of their vocabulary words the following: Definition for the word in their own words, illustration for the word (if possible), synonym or antonym for the word, and a sentence using the word.
  • During Independent Reading time have your student read silently to themselves. Ask them questions about what they read when they are finished.
3 29.3 Earth Have your student use their spelling words to write a story in their Language Arts notebook.
4 29.4 Earth Have your student choose five spelling words to illustrate and write a sentence describing their illustration in their Language Arts notebook.
5 29.5 Earth

Module Guiding Questions:

When a student starts a lesson ask them questions to check for prior knowledge and understanding and to review concepts being taught. At the end of the lesson ask the questions again to see if their answer changes.

Lesson Title Question
29.1 Earth
  1. What is a prefix?
  2. What does the prefix mis- mean?
  3. What is the main idea?
  4. What are the details?
  5. What is past tense?
  6. What is a base word?
  7. What are regular verbs?
  8. How do you make a regular verb past tense?
  9. What is an informative paragraph?
  10. How do you write an informative paragraph?
29.2 Earth
  1. What is a prefix?
  2. What does the prefix mis- mean?
  3. What is the main idea?
  4. What are the details?
  5. What is past tense?
  6. What is a base word?
  7. What are regular verbs?
  8. How do you make a regular verb past tense?
  9. What is an informative paragraph?
  10. How do you write an informative paragraph?
  11. What does the prefix over mean?
  12. what should be included in an informative paragraph?
29.3 Earth
  1. What is a prefix?
  2. What does the prefix mis- mean?
  3. What is the main idea?
  4. What are the details?
  5. What is past tense?
  6. What is a base word?
  7. What are regular verbs?
  8. How do you make a regular verb past tense?
  9. What is an informative paragraph?
  10. How do you write an informative paragraph?
  11. What does the prefix over mean?
  12. what should be included in an informative paragraph?
  13. What does the prefix re- mean?
  14. What is a past participle?
  15. What is a helping verb?
29.4 Earth
  1. What is a prefix?
  2. What does the prefix mis- mean?
  3. What is the main idea?
  4. What are the details?
  5. What is past tense?
  6. What is a base word?
  7. What are regular verbs?
  8. How do you make a regular verb past tense?
  9. What is an informative paragraph?
  10. How do you write an informative paragraph?
  11. What does the prefix over mean?
  12. what should be included in an informative paragraph?
  13. What does the prefix re- mean?
29.5 Earth
  1. What is a prefix?
  2. What does the prefix mis- mean?
  3. What is the main idea?
  4. What are the details?
  5. What is past tense?
  6. What is a base word?
  7. What are regular verbs?
  8. How do you make a regular verb past tense?
  9. What is an informative paragraph?
  10. How do you write an informative paragraph?
  11. What does the prefix over mean?
  12. what should be included in an informative paragraph?
  13. What does the prefix re- mean?

Module Video Questions:

When a student watches a video take time to ask them questions about what they watched. Suggested questions for the videos in this module are listed here. Suggestion: Have the student watch the entire video first all the way through. Then have them watch the video a second time, as they watch it pause the video and ask the questions.

Lesson Title Video Question
29.1 Earth Main Idea
  1. What is the main idea?
  2. What are details?

Module Suggested Read Aloud Books:

Take time to read to your student or have them read aloud to you. Read a different book each day. While reading the book point out concepts being taught. You may purchase these books or find them at your local library. Suggested things to discuss while reading the book:

  • What is the main idea?
  • What are three things new you learned?
  • How does this book relate to what you are learning about?

# Book Author Lexile Level
1 The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth Joanna Cole 500L
2 Planet Earth/Inside Out Gail Gibbons 800L

Module Outing:

Take some time to apply what your student is learning to the real world. Suggested outings are below.

# Outing