Module 12-Social Studies KA - Course Guide

Module Overview:

In this module students will learn how to resolve conflicts and how to use maps.

Module Materials:

Lesson # Lesson Title Material(s)
1 How Do you Resolve a Conflict? "The Zax" by Dr. Seuss (optional - video summary provided)
crayons or colored pencilsl
pen or pencil
2 Relative Location pen or pencil;

Module Objectives:

Lesson # Lesson Title Objective(s)
1 How Do you Resolve a Conflict?
  1. Identify conflict in the classroom.
  2. Explain the concepts of conflict and cooperation.
  3. Identify how students can work together.
2 Relative Location
  1. Draw a directional map symbol.
  2. Recite the four directions: north, south, east, and west.
  3. Describe relative location, including near/ far, left/right, top/bottom, above/below, in front of/behind, and first/last.

Module Key Words:

Key Words
solve problems
directional map

Module Assignments:

Lesson # Lesson Title Page # Assignment Title
1 How Do you Resolve a Conflict? 12 I Care Assignment
2 Relative Location 7 Reading a Map Assignment

Learning Coach Notes:


Module Guiding Questions:

When a student starts a lesson ask them questions to check for prior knowledge and understanding and to review concepts being taught. At the end of the lesson ask the questions again to see if their answer changes.

Lesson Title Question
How Do You Resolve Conflict?
  1. What is conflict?
  2. What are some ways you solve conflict?
  3. What are feelings?
  4. What do you consider an act of kindness?
Relative Location
  1. What is location?
  2. What are some words that describe location?
  3. What are some tools you can use to find a location?

Module Video Questions:

When a student watches a video take time to ask them questions about what they watched. Suggested questions for the videos in this module are listed here. Suggestion: Have the student watch the entire video first all the way through. Then have them watch the video a second time, as they watch it pause the video and ask the questions.

Lesson Title Video Question
How Do you Resolve a Conflict? Conflict and Resolution: The Zax By Dr. Seuss
  1. What is the conflict the Zax has in the story?
  2. How can they resolve the conflict?
How Do you Resolve a Conflict? Responsibility
  1. What does Responsibility mean?
  2. What are ways you can show you are responsible?
Relative Location Relative Location
  1. What is location?
  2. What are some words you can use to describe location?
  3. What is destination?
  4. What can be found on a map?
  5. What phrase can you use to remember the directions on a map?

Module Suggested Read Aloud Books:

Take time to read to your student or have them read aloud to you. Read a different book each day. While reading the book point out concepts being taught. You may purchase these books or find them at your local library. Suggested things to discuss while reading the book:

  • What is the main idea?
  • What are three things new you learned?
  • How does this book relate to what you are learning about?

# Book Author Lexile Level
1 The Zax Dr. Seuss NP
2 My Map Book Sara Fanelli
3 The Compass Rose and Cardinal Directions Caitlin McAneney
4 North, South, East, West Margaret Wise Brown
5 We Need Directions! Sarah De Capua 480L

Module Outing:

Take some time to apply what your student is learning to the real world. Suggested outings are below.

# Outing
1 Go someplace where you need to use a map to navigate such as a museum or zoo. Be sure to get the map and have your student use it to direct what you visit.