Module 25: Technical Reading - Course Guide

Module Overview:

In this unit, students will explore some of the different forms and styles in which informational text is written. Students will learn strategies for reading types of informational texts. Students will add to their knowledge of Greek and Latin word parts and then use that knowledge to determine a word's meaning. Students will learn to use summarizing as a strategy for comprehending complicated or difficult texts.

Module Materials:

Lesson # Lesson Title Material(s)
1 Spelling 9: Practice 1 None
2 Types of Information independent reading book
pen or pencil
3 Reading History and Science highlighters (multiple colors)
independent reading book
pen or pencil
4 Word Parts independent reading book
pen or pencil
5 Summarizing as Strategy independent reading book
pen or pencil

Module Objectives:

Lesson # Lesson Title Objective(s)
1 Spelling 9: Practice 1
2 Types of Information
  1. Identify characteristics of historical and technical writing.
3 Reading History and Science
  1. Apply strategies for reading historical and scientific texts.
4 Word Parts
  1. Use Greek and Latin word parts as clues to word meanings.
5 Summarizing as Strategy
  1. Summarize historical, scientific, and technical text.

Module Key Words:

Key Words Spelling Words
technical writing
scientific article
historical account
historical document
word root

Module Assignments:

Lesson # Lesson Title Page # Assignment Title
2 Types of Information 6 Types of Informational Text Assignment
3 Reading History and Science 2 First Things First Assignment
3 Reading History and Science 4 Preview Practice Assignment
5 Summarizing as Strategy 3 Summarizing as a Strategy Assignment

Learning Coach Notes:

Lesson # Lesson Title Notes
1 Spelling 9: Practice 1 To prepare for the Spelling 9: Spelling Test, have your student practice their spelling words over the coming weeks.
2 Types of Information
3 Reading History and Science
4 Word Parts
5 Summarizing as Strategy

Module Guiding Questions:

When a student starts a lesson ask them questions to check for prior knowledge and understanding and to review concepts being taught. At the end of the lesson ask the questions again to see if their answer changes.

Lesson Title Question
Types of Information
  1. What kind of information is given in technical writing?
Reading History and Science
  1. What are some steps you can use to help you understand informational text while reading it?
Word Parts
  1. What are the different parts of a word?
Summarizing as Strategy
  1. What is a summary?

Module Video Questions:

When a student watches a video take time to ask them questions about what they watched. Suggested questions for the videos in this module are listed here. Suggestion: Have the student watch the entire video first all the way through. Then have them watch the video a second time, as they watch it pause the video and ask the questions.

Lesson Title Video Question
Types of Information Lewis and Clark
  1. What is a sextant?
  2. How did Lewis and Clark use a sextant?
Word Parts Part II Roots
  1. What is a root?
  2. What are some root words named in this video?
  3. What is the meaning of the root words from the video?
Summarizing as Strategy Profiles of the American West
  1. Who was Sacajawea?
  2. What was her role in the history of the American West?

Module Suggested Read Aloud Books:

Take time to read to your student or have them read aloud to you. Read a different book each day. While reading the book point out concepts being taught. You may purchase these books or find them at your local library. Suggested things to discuss while reading the book:

  • What is the main idea?
  • What are three things new you learned?
  • How does this book relate to what you are learning about?

# Book Author Lexile Level
1 Worst of Friends: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and the True Story of an American Feud Suzanne Tripp Jurmain 920L
2 Happy Endings: A Story about Suffixes Robin Pulver AD430L
3 Pre- and Re-, Mis- and Dis-: What Is a Prefix? Brian P. Cleary 750L

Module Outing:

Take some time to apply what your student is learning to the real world. Suggested outings are below.

# Outing