Math 1: Module 32 - Course Guide

Module Overview:

In this module, students will fill in the missing numbers when counting by 2's. Students will follow directions to get to a location. Students will sort clocks according to what time they show. Students will calculate a number of coins to give change. Students will identify the least or most time for activities.

Module Materials:

Lesson # Lesson Title Material(s)
1 Missing Numbers - Count by 2's pen or pencil;
2 Follow Directions pen or pencil;
3 Sort Clocks pen or pencil
4 Giving Change pen or pencil
coins (quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies)
5 More or Less Time pen or pencil;

Module Objectives:

Lesson # Lesson Title Objective(s)
1 Missing Numbers - Count by 2's
  1. Fill in the missing numbers when counting by 2's.
2 Follow Directions
  1. Follow directions to get to a location.
3 Sort Clocks
  1. Sort clocks according to the time they show.
4 Giving Change
  1. Calculate the number of coins to give change.
5 More or Less Time
  1. Identify the least or most time for activities.

Module Key Words:

Key Words
skip count
missing numbers
follow directions
cardinal directions
compass rose
different coins
more time
less time

Module Assignments:

Lesson # Lesson Title Page # Assignment Title
1 Missing Numbers - Count by 2's 5 Missing 2’s Assignment
2 Follow Directions 5 Cardinal Directions Assignment
3 Sort Clocks 5 Race Day Assignment
4 Giving Change 6 Change, Please Assignment
5 More or Less Time 5 Comparing Time Assignment

Learning Coach Notes:


Module Guiding Questions:

When a student starts a lesson ask them questions to check for prior knowledge and understanding and to review concepts being taught. At the end of the lesson ask the questions again to see if their answer changes.

Lesson Title Question
Missing Numbers - Count by 2's
  1. Can you count by 2's?
Follow Directions
  1. What are the cardinal directions?
Sort Clocks
  1. How can you tell which time came first when comparing two clocks?
Giving Change
  1. Do you know how much each type of coin is worth?
More or Less Time
  1. What is the difference between more and less?

Module Video Questions:

When a student watches a video take time to ask them questions about what they watched. Suggested questions for the videos in this module are listed here. Suggestion: Have the student watch the entire video first all the way through. Then have them watch the video a second time, as they watch it pause the video and ask the questions.

Lesson Title Video Question
Sort Clocks Mr. Tick Tock Clock's
  1. What order did Mr.
  2. Tick Tock put the clocks in?
Giving Change Candy Cart
  1. What candy was bought from the candy cart?
More or Less Time Time: More or Less?
  1. What activities would take more time for Ronnie to do in this video?

Module Suggested Read Aloud Books:

Take time to read to your student or have them read aloud to you. Read a different book each day. While reading the book point out concepts being taught. You may purchase these books or find them at your local library. Suggested things to discuss while reading the book:

  • What is the main idea?
  • What are three things new you learned?
  • How does this book relate to what you are learning about?

# Book Author Lexile Level
1 The Compass Rose and Cardinal Directions Caitlin McAneney
2 North, South, East, West Margaret Wise Brown
3 Alexander Who Used To Be Rich Last Sunday Judith Viorst 570L

Module Outing:

Take some time to apply what your student is learning to the real world. Suggested outings are below.

# Outing