Science 4 A&B - Materials List

Using Scientific Methods
*Science 4A Workbook, ISBN 978-1-63916-044-0 (optional)
10 toothpicks
magazines or internet images to make a collage (optional)
modeling clay in a range of colors
paper plate
pen or pencil
poster board
shoebox or brown paper bag (optional)
Freshwater on Earth
¼ cup vinegar
1 cup flour
1 cup water
2 tbsp baking soda
crayons or colored pencils (optional)
digital camera (optional)
magazines (optional)
markers (optional)
masking tape
medium-sized bowl
medium-sized box
paint brushes
pen or pencil
pieces of shrubs to decorate
plastic bottle (such as a 20 oz. water bottle)
poster board
red or orange gelatin granules
small plastic (grocery) bag
states of matter demonstration materials (pot, stove, freezer, ice cube, etc. (optional))
water-based paints
The Atmosphere and Air
2-liter plastic bottle
a match
balloon (optional)
clear plastic bag
crayons or colored pencils
glue (optional)
inflatable globe
pen or pencil
scale (optional)
Galaxies and Stars
acorn (optional)
basketball (optional)
crayons or colored pencils (optional)
golf ball (optional)
marble (optional)
pen or pencil
poster board
small grapefruit (optional)
soccer ball (optional)
softball (optional)
straight pin
walnut (optional)
Measurements and Instruments
2 clear drinking glasses
2 eggs
2-liter bottle of soda
3 liquids (pint of milk, bottle of water, can of juice, etc.)
aluminum foil
can of frozen-concentrate orange juice
clear plastic drinking straw
crayons or colored pencils (optional)
food coloring (any color will work)
large spoon
liquid measuring cup
measuring spoon
modeling clay
pen or pencil
rubbing alcohol
several paper cups
table salt
watch or clock
water bottle
wooden craft sticks
Building Blocks of Matter
1 cup and 1/2 teaspoon vinegar
1 teaspoon cooking oil
1/2 teaspoon dirt
1/2 teaspoon flour
1/2 teaspoon ground up chalk
1/2 teaspoon liquid soap
1/2 teaspoon rubbing alcohol
1/2 teaspoon solid laundry soap
10 pennies, 10 of any object that could act as bowling pins (for example paper towel rolls or stuffed animals), 1 ball
3 clear drinking glasses
3 index cards
3 or 4 hard covered books
3 or 4 pieces of sandpaper
3 small toy cars of different sizes
4 and 1/2 teaspoons of regular granular sugar
6 sugar cubes
8 glass jars with lids
bag of gumdrops
box of toothpicks
flat piece of plywood
large leaf
measuring cup
measuring spoon
pen or pencil
watch or clock
Module 1
*Science 4B Workbook, ISBN 978-1-63916-045-7 (optional)
2 pieces of string about 1 meter long (optional)
2–3 trays of ice cubes
3 bowls
3 identical plastic cups
3 index cards (optional)
3 small zip-close plastic bags
9 drinking glasses, the same size if possible (optional)
cardboard paper towel tube, cut to 20 cm long (optional)
construction paper (black) (optional)
flashlight (optional)
large, shallow baking pan
large, shallow baking pan (optional)
magazines (optional)
markers (optional)
materials for wrapping cups (such as bubble wrap, aluminum foil, plastic bags, newspaper, cardboard, or cloth)
materials to create a homemade musical instrument (optional)
medium-sized bowl (optional)
metal clothes hanger with no plastic coating (optional)
metal spoon (optional)
metric ruler (plastic) (optional)
mounting tack (for holding cards upright) (optional)
pen or pencil
pitcher (optional)
plastic cling wrap (for covering food) (optional)
plastic report cover, clear (optional)
plastic wrap (10 cm square) (optional)
poster board (optional)
quarter (optional)
rubber band (optional)
scissors (optional)
several grains of uncooked rice (optional)
small, colorful, and lightweight objects such as transparent beads, shiny confetti, and sequins (optional)
tape or glue
tape or glue (optional)
walking spring toy, such as a slinky® (optional)
watch or clock
wax paper (10 cm square) (optional)
Module 2
1 cork (optional)
1 d battery (optional)
1 needle (optional)
1 pair of socks
10 small metal washers, all the same size (about 2 cm in diameter) (optional)
2 balloons
2 bar-shaped or cylindrical magnets, of the same type (optional)
2 metal thumbtacks
60 cm of insulated copper wire, with the insulation stripped off of both ends (optional)
copper wire
d battery
digital camera
long string
masking tape (optional)
materials for making a poster (optional)
metal and non-metal objects
meter stick or tape measure
nails (iron or steel) (optional)
nails (zinc or copper)
objects to test for magnetic attraction (optional)
paper clips (large and small) (optional)
pen or pencil
sharp knife and an adult helper to use it (optional)
small dish (optional)
tap water
tape or glue
Module 3
1 apple (optional)
1 box of gelatin (optional)
1 rock (optional)
1-gallon plastic bag with zip seal (optional)
2 drinking glasses (optional)
4 shallow trays (could be cookie sheet, pie tin, cake pan, etc.) (optional)
50 cereal o's (optional)
50 dry spaghetti sticks (optional)
50 marbles (optional)
50 raisins (optional)
an earthworm (in a jar with soil) (optional)
bath salts (such as epsom salts--they must contain magnesium sulfate)
brown paper lunch bag (you could substitute a medium-sized bowl) (optional)
clothespin (optional)
digital or physical materials to create a visual of organisms from geologic time periods (optional)
fruits and candies (optional)
leaf (optional)
markers (optional)
materials to make a model (optional)
pair of tweezers (optional)
pen or pencil
plastic cup
sponge (no scrubber side)
spoon (optional)
timer (optional)
toothpick (optional)
Module 4
2 different colors of food coloring (dark colors are best)
2 different types of seed pods (optional)
2 small glasses
3 different types of flowers
4 different vegetables from different parts of plants (leaf, root, stem, fruit, flower)
49 index cards
crayons or colored pencils
crayons or colored pencils (optional)
drawing paper
drawing paper (optional)
large stalk of celery
magnifying glass (optional)
pen or pencil
salad bowl
salad dressing
Module 5
2 objects that are interesting to smell (optional)
2 objects that are interesting to taste (optional)
2 objects that are interesting to touch (optional)
2 objects that make sounds (optional)
black paper (optional)
blindfold (optional)
cardboard or heavy paper to make dividers (optional)
crayons or colored pencils
crayons or colored pencils (optional)
deck of cards (optional)
drawing paper (optional)
index cards (optional)
long piece of paper or 3–4 pieces taped together (optional)
markers (optional)
materials to create a seed display (optional)
metric ruler (plastic) (optional)
pen or pencil
scissors (optional)
small bean plant (optional)
small box, like a shoe box (optional)
tape (optional)
variety of fruits, vegetables, and nuts (optional)
Module 6
1 apple (optional)
1 of a fourth color of block (optional)
2 of a third color of block (optional)
20 of another color of block (optional)
200 of one color plastic building brick or block (optional)
art supplies for creating recycled art (optional)
box for a diorama
cardboard, heavy paper, and/or modeling clay to make creatures
knife (optional)
napkin (optional)
objects from the trash or recycling to make recycled art (optional)
pen or pencil